Thursday, July 24, 2008

R V Lone ?

In space there are allions earths circling around alien suns, which may bear upon them creatures similar or even superior to those upon our human Earth

How life began, and whether it exists elsewhere remains one of the most fascinating questions in the whole of science -- indeed, you don't need to be a scientist to wonder about this. But we still don't know the answer. We're less optimistic about Mars than our forbears were a hundred years ago. Even if there is life there, it would be nothing more than microscopic 'bugs' of the kind that existed on Earth early in its history--- there is certainly nothing on Mars like the 'Martians' of popular fictions.


Arun said...

Shall we debate? Try clicking on the comments link

nileshp's blog said...

There are speculations doing rounds that there might as well be some life on Mars that may need more investigation. See

Arun said...

life? r u talking about the human definition... wat is life... imagine..
If the so called human life exists.. can we match the intelligence..